
„Life is movement“

In osteopathy, the natural self-regulating forces of the human being are at the centre of treatment.

According to the observations of A.T.Still (1828-1917), the founder of osteopathy, the affected tissue was always restricted in its mobility due to illness. (e.g. lung mobility in pneumonia, impaired joint mobility in joint complaints).
He wanted to restore this mobility.

As arterial blood circulation is promoted and venous and lymphatic drainage is improved, the self-healing powers are stimulated.

The therapist’s task is to search for the origin of the dysfunction, i.e. to feel the restricted movement in the tissue, and to solve the dysfunction by means of differentiated techniques.

Osteopathy is divided into several sub-areas:

Parietal osteopathy

The musculoskeletal system (joints, ligaments and muscles) is treated with direct and indirect mobilisation, muscle and manipulation techniques.

The fasciae, the sheaths of the muscles and organs that surround and connect almost all structures of the body, are also loosened with soft techniques to allow the structures to slide freely again.

Visceral Osteopathy

In order to eliminate parietal complaints, it is often helpful to find movement restrictions of the viscerum (intestines), as irritation, inflammation and fixation of the organs often manifest as pain of the musculoskeletal system.

States of congestion and cramps or adhesions of organs, organ fasciae and scar tissue can be released, thus enabling the organs to regain their own mobility and functionality.

Craniosacral Osteopathy

By gently releasing movement restrictions of the bony, membranous and muscular structures of the cranium (skull) and sacrum (sacral bone), a gentle and profound regulation of the nervous, vascular, endocrine and digestive systems can be stimulated.

Cranium and sacrum are connected by the dural tube (spinal cord skin) and are in a constant joint movement which influences the flow of the cerebrospinal fluid in the brain and spinal cord membranes with the cranio-sacral rhythm.

Disturbances of this movement are often caused by direct trauma or inflammatory processesor emotional/psychological factors.

With craniosacral osteopathy, temporomandibular joint problems (CMD), Asymmetries of the musculoskeletal system, Tinnitus, chronic sinusitis, dizziness and various physical and psychological states of tension can be improved.

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