
My osteopathic and naturopathic treatments last between 45 and 90 minutes.
The price is between 70 € and 120 € according to self-assessment. (Social tariff for people on low incomes €40 to €60)

Urgent home visits are charged at an extra € 25 according to the fees (GebüH).


30 min

45 min

60 min

90 min

45 €

60 €
75 €
100 €

Massages as home/office visit

from 90min

1 human x 60min

2 humans x 45min

3 humans x 30min

4 humans x 20 min

120 €

a 90 €
a 75 €
a 60 €

a 45 €

Cupping treatment

Initial consultation

80 €

further sessions each

55 €

Ear acupuncture

Initial consultation

80 €

further sessions each

45 €

As a recognised alternative practitioner, you can also settle treatments with me with supplementary insurances and private health insurances.

The costs for osteopathy are (partially) reimbursed by many public health insurances. Please ask for a private prescription for osteopathy from your doctor, orthopaedist or dentist.

Please enquire about the reimbursement conditions of your statutory health insurance.

For people with low income I offer prices by arrangement. Just ask for it!

Schlüsseldienst berlin lichtenberg. Pilatus pc 12 initial training courses pilatus pc 12 recurrent training courses.